Friday, November 7, 2008


We don't have any news this week, just a few more appointments to keep the trend going. Today we have another stomach test, a UGI. Wish us luck! More tests that I am sure will be very uncomfortable for the little man. Hopefully they give us some good answers on what is going on in that little stomach of his. Next week we go to the geneticist, eye doctor, and have his final meeting with his therapy team to set up the schedule. Hopefully we will have some news for you next week. We still continue to be amazed at how wonderful and helpful everybody has been. THANK YOU again and again. Those letters, emails, calls, and knocks at the door always seem to come right at the perfect moment. I have added a good picture of Oliver where he is actually not screaming! Also a video. Check out that skill! We were so excited to catch that right when I turned the camera on. He has only rolled a few times, but when he does we celebrate! Also, scroll down to check out the Halloween pics. In between is a poem I added. You can skip it or read it. I have read this many times since we found out about Oliver and thought some of you may also enjoy it. I still get tears when I read this.


grandma ruth said...

Thanks for the update. The hood sends their love and they read the blog as well. Great picture of Oliver. It was just a week ago that Adina was trick or treating and today we had a blizzard in South Dakota- 4 feet in Rapid City.
Loved the poem

Klawiters said...

We heard about the snow, I kind of wish we could get a foot of that! Adina is ready for a snowman!