A skunk, pumpkin, pirate, and the Queen of Hearts all in one house. Oliver had a lovely hook assembled by one of his nurses out of tin foil. He laughed when we put the make-up on and smeared it right after. Stinker!
Phinneus all snuggled up in his blanket from Great Aunt Gail and Uncle John. He loves it!
Oliver is doing so well we were able to use his stander again! He was working so hard he had to wipe his brow! We have not been able to use this since last spring but Oliver is in rock star mode and showing everybody what he is made of.
Hope you enjoyed the pics. We had a fun family party and went out Halloween night with the Choudoir family as we have done for the past few years. It was a blast! Oli is doing really well right now. I am almost afraid to talk about it but I will. He has gained another whole KG in just one month. He had an Ortho appt and his bones have become very fragile meaning we have to be very careful when moving him. He is at a high risk for fractures and breaks. This news was not unexpected. He has been one happy little man and we are enjoying every second of it knowing how fast things change. We also all survived our first cold of the season and managed to keep Oli out of the Hospital. Life is good!