Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Whew, That Was Hard!

Tonight at church I read a letter that I had written for Adina and Oliver about my faith and how they have helped me over the last few months. I practiced and practiced but sure enough I started reading it in front our congregation and totally lost it! It was the hardest thing I think I have ever done. Luckily, Kara, my sister came up and stood with me; I made it through with many sobs and a few snorts too! =)
We are so blessed to be members at our church. They are SO supportive and love Oliver so much. They are the best.
Our Doctor Strike has been wonderful--don't get me wrong, doctors are great, but not seeing doctors is better! Oliver has his mini-surgery on Tuesday to change his feeding tube, and then we will go back on vacation.
Therapy has been going really well! Oliver focused on a toy and followed it from side to side! We were all cheering for him. It does come and go, some days the eyes work and others not. We take the good days and throw out the bad.
Bedtime! Adina got the new book, "Llama, Llama, Mad at Mama." We finally get to read it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Oliver is starting to get big big big.. He is a little over 20 lbs now, which is normal for his age. Only problem is, he has outgrown his infant car seat, but not the need for it. He still does not have enough head and neck strength to be in a big boy car seat--so, what to do? One of our bigger car seats reclines but we are not sure if there is enough support, have to see what our OT says. Anyway... since we will soon be rid of the infant seat, Oliver is going to have to get used to sitting in the stroller for times we cannot carry him to the car with everything else in tow. Until now, Oliver has hated (HATED) the stroller, but we tried yesterday and he made it, and was happy for 5 minutes!! This was HUGE for Oliver!!!
Also new, Oliver and I have decided to go on "Doctor Strike." I am not going to go into explanation because I am tired and it has already been a long week. Of course we will only be on strike until, well, until we need a doctor I guess! Sometimes John and I really think that some doctors only pretend to know what they are talking about to maintain their gigantic egos, but really don't know the difference between their head and bum!
Yes... we are okay.... Just a little comic relief to get through the day..

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Adina Darling

Three nights ago we put Adina down to bed and a few minutes later she knocked at her door (this is code for I don't want to go to bed) saying her head hurt. She said she hit it on her bed. Thinking not much of this we kissed her head and put her back to bed. The next night again came the knock and the same story of hitting her head. This time John felt he needed to do some investigation about this head hitting episode. He asked her what she hit her head on, "The toy box." John says, "Well, what were you doing before you hit your head on the toy box?" Adina gets a brave smile on her face, stands boldly on the bed with her two arms up in the air and bursts into song, "I CAN FLY, I CAN FLY, I CAN FLY!!!!"

John reminded her that before she flies, next time she needs to remember that she can only fly if she has some pixie dust! We have also put Peter Pan away for a little while.
Good Night