Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Whew, That Was Hard!

Tonight at church I read a letter that I had written for Adina and Oliver about my faith and how they have helped me over the last few months. I practiced and practiced but sure enough I started reading it in front our congregation and totally lost it! It was the hardest thing I think I have ever done. Luckily, Kara, my sister came up and stood with me; I made it through with many sobs and a few snorts too! =)
We are so blessed to be members at our church. They are SO supportive and love Oliver so much. They are the best.
Our Doctor Strike has been wonderful--don't get me wrong, doctors are great, but not seeing doctors is better! Oliver has his mini-surgery on Tuesday to change his feeding tube, and then we will go back on vacation.
Therapy has been going really well! Oliver focused on a toy and followed it from side to side! We were all cheering for him. It does come and go, some days the eyes work and others not. We take the good days and throw out the bad.
Bedtime! Adina got the new book, "Llama, Llama, Mad at Mama." We finally get to read it.

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