Wednesday, January 6, 2010


We had the ultrasound yesterday with the high risk OB docs. So far everything looks great! She asked what we should look at first and I said, "Corpus Callosum!!" That is the part of the brain that Oliver happens to be missing. We looked and there it was, I was so excited I asked for a picture of it! The two staff in the room were laughing, apparently I am the first who has asked for this picture. We got a lot of images of the brain, we could not see the whole head, so we can't rule out that all of the Corpus Callosum is there. We will have another ultrasound in 8 weeks to measure head growth and check on the brain. We are cautiously optimistic! Chances are we will do an MRI of baby after birth to rule everything out. We could do an MRI while baby is still inside of me(crazy!), but there is no guarantee that baby would stay still, we have become pros at patiently waiting so we will just do that.
Oliver had his hearing tested today at Children's hospital. He responded to very loud sounds but not to the softer sound. It could be that he is not developmentally at a stage to turn to all sounds yet or he could have some partial deafness. The audiologist was rolling with laughter at Oliver. He would fuss and as soon as she would make a silly sound he would get the little Oli giggles. They were playing off each other and it was a blast. Small little things that I most likely would have taken for granted with Adina. Oliver is always teaching me something! There are other tests we could have done but with Oliver's sensory issues of people touching his head we could not do them. We will do a test called a Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response test. He will be sedated and they will monitor if the sound reaches his brainstem with the help of electrodes. It will be good to know this info. We know that he hears, just not sure to what level.
Last bit of news, again Oliver was denied for nursing/respite care. Again, like the last zillion, we will appeal until we get a good reason!
Hope everybody is staying warm!! Gotta love Minnesota winter, or I guess pretend to.

Now introducing baby Klawiter Number three! Better pictures to come! (In about 20 weeks=)

1 comment:

Martha said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures!