Saturday, October 29, 2011


Here are the pictures I promised of the Klawiter Brothers. Oliver loves Phin, at least he loves it when he cries. He seems to enjoy when his siblings are upset and crying. Typical big brother I guess. Oliver loves when Phin snuggles with him, he is very curious and becomes very still. Oliver is not a still kind of kiddo. Everyone is adjusting well, we are just getting used to a new kind of crazy. The biggest issue is that we have had some nursing shifts open that didn't get covered in time. It is a juggling act to maintain all of Oliver's vent and IV stuff with a newborn but we made it.
I know many of you are wondering if Phin is okay. As far as we know he is fine, just like all of our kids. Oliver is perfect in every way so if we are comparing him to Oli or the girls yes he is great. We have the option to do an MRI to see for sure but John and I both agree that the risks of the sedation are not worth it. If Phin starts to show signs then we will do it, but for now we are just enjoying our kids. I would be lying if I said it didn't cross our minds that it is a possibility. This is the official news as far as that topic goes. If we ever do learn something we will tell you all, so stop worrying.
Happy Halloween! We will have some pics of that I am sure.

Oliver checking Phin out for the first time. These are some cute brothers.

That's a lot of toes!

Our first attempt at a family pic with all six. Not sure I would say successful!

All four kiddos, don't the girls look thrilled?

The boys alseep in their chairs, life is good.

Phin sleeping and snuggling Oli's hand.

More sleepy boys living the life.

1 comment:

Cathleen said...

Very precious pictures of the two brothers meeting eachother! Thanks for sharing :)