Tuesday, October 28, 2008


We talked with Oliver's neurologist today about the results of the chromosome analysis. The study found that he has an anomaly on chromosome 7 and his X chromosome has an extra arm. What this all means I have no clue. One of the many next steps is to see a geneticist (all three of us). They will tell us what this means for Oliver. John and I also have to get blood work to see if this is something that we are carriers of or if it was just some random thing. The neurologist found a university that is researching this right now so John and I will not have to pay for our genetic tests. They are very expensive so I guess this is a good thing.
Oliver also had his gastric emptying test yesterday, which was a huge disaster. They said if he were to vomit at all during the 90 minute test we would have to stop. I told them he most likely would, he usually does. Forty minutes in he barfed, very predictable. The woman said next time they will have to insert a G-tube. I informed her there would not be a next time. Yes I was a little crabby, but I can't see little Oliver go through that again. I should have asked for a refund! Wonder if it would have worked =) So, that's that. Still waiting to catch a break sometime soon.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Taryn & John,
Not sure which of you was crabby yesterday but you both had the right to be! Give yourself time to regroup! There has to be a better way for the gastric test! They should have listened to you in the first place knowing that you know Oliver the best and that he would throw up! Don't feel bad....let it out....go to plan B!
There has to be a better way.
Praying for Oliver and all of you!