Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Another day of appointments over, whew. A member of the family service team came today to set up, or at least start setting up therapies for Oliver. She was so great! We have another appointment with her next week where a team will come to evaluate Oliver, this is all done at our house! It is so great that we have services like that, and they are so supportive.
This afternoon we had a GI appointment because we thought Oliver had GERD. Now I don't really know if he does. He was a very confusing doctor but luckily he had a student with him so he would talk to me and I would look to her as a translator. What I got from it was him mumbling Oliver doesn't have GERD he probably has ------ (something I didn't understand)and is most likely going to need surgery. So we had X-rays today, another test next week (UGI), and the following week a Gastric emptying test. I am usually better at asking them to explain things in more detail, but as the title reads, John and I are overwhelmed with all of the news.
Adina is taking this all so well. She always wants to come to the doctor with Oliver, probably because the toys are so cool! Today she sat across the receptionist for about ten minutes and told her a long story about "Oliber go see doctor wobison." She thinks all of the doctors are named Dr. Robinson. Most of what she says is in her own language, but some things we can pick out. I don't think the receptionist got much work done with Adina in the office. Adina will hold Oliver's hand and say, "It's okay Oliber, I here." Kids are amazing!
So thats the news for now. This whole experience has been such a roller coaster of emotions.

1 comment:

Mary said...

It sounds like Adina helps bring some lightness and joy and simplicity to your life just by being a child. Its wonderful the support you are getting with the therapy in your home. Hmmm...wonder what kind of surgery. John and Taryn, it can be overwhelming for a person if there is one little thing wrong. But you are dealing with multiples of health issues. You have entered a world that most people have no idea exists. Continued prayers and love are with you. xoxo Mary (and Gary)