Thursday, February 19, 2009


Oliver had his CT yesterday. I had to laugh a little (only a little though). I got there and the nurse said, "You know this is really quick, he shouldn't have to be sedated if you can only get him to lay still, lets give it a try." Seriously!! She must have read my body language, she asked, "What do you think mom, be honest." Being honest is not something I have a problem with. "I just said, No. I think No. We tried it before, Oliver has sensory issues, doesn't like to lay flat and have straps across his body and head. Okay?" She said okay and went to talk to the doctor. She quickly came back and said that the anesthesia doc. wanted to try first without sedation, but if he cries at all we will stop and sedate. I think she was a little apprehensive to tell me and I don't think I would have wanted to tell me either. So, we played the game, put him down, he screamed. Again, the question, "Well, what do you think mom?" "Ahh, well I think it's time to sedate him." I understand they have to try everything before sedating, I get it, but we had tried already. I don't enjoy watching Oliver get an IV to be sedated, but it is just how it has to be with him. So, sometimes I guess we just play the game, it gets old trying to fight but I later kicked myself for not being a better advocate for Oliver. Still kicking.
At least after all of that we had good results! Our neurologists secretary called and said the soft spots are still open (YAY), but he still wants you to come in tomorrow. (Crap) I asked why and she said to talk about expectations for Oliver. I have no clue what this means, but I know that doctors never want you to come in for just a friendly little chat. We weren't scheduled to have another follow-up with him for two more months. Cross your fingers that it is nothing, but nothing is ever just nothing.
Since I am rambling, another eye update. I think we have the best doctors if I have not already said so. (The anesthesia doc in the story above is not our regular doc) The eye doc. does not seem to understand what is going on with Oliver's eyes nor do all the rest of the docs. She wants Oliver to see some sort of opthal. specialist that focuses on genetics. There are apparently only a handful in the country, one being at the U of M. She is personally calling to get us in, but has had no luck thus far. SO... she tried another who works in Cleveland and he said that Oliver fits some sort of description of kids that they can give more answers and would love to see Oliver. I laughed at first until I realized she was serious. I said that we should keep trying the U and if we have no luck in a few months we will explore that option then. If I knew it was going to really help then sure I would do it. We will just wait and see.
So, until tomorrow I guess.

1 comment:

Martha said...

That is great news about Oliver's head/skull/soft spots!
I hope your "chat" with the dr. goes well. We'll be checking in for the report.
Martha, Mike, and Charlie