Thursday, December 3, 2009

Good Results

The genetic doctor called today and told us that some of Oliver's urine lab results came back all clear. I couldn't tell you what they were testing for because there are and have been so many. As long as they are negative I don't keep track. Then she said, unfortunately I have some really really bad news. At this point I almost started to cry, they were just words you don't want to hear from a genticist. Holding my breath I asked what it was. She said I hate to tell you this but...they lost Oliver's blood sample. Ahhhhh.. I almost laughed, she was so upset by this news. I just told her that really it is no big deal, things get misplaced, life goes on and we just redo the blood draw. Geez, there are bigger things in life to worry about. She said she called the lab, I am guessing she let them have it. I reassured her many times that really it was no big deal. The more I think about it the more I giggle. I hate to have him poked again but what do you do. I should just tell them to take an extra vial and keep it on hand! So, good news so far! My celebration for making it through the day while John is gone is three Oreo's and a glass of milk, that is where I am headed right now.
Sorry if there are any grammer/spelling mistakes, my proof reader is away for seven more days!

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