Sunday, January 25, 2009

Calm Down

Almost three weeks after the surgery and it is finally getting back to normal around here, at least our normal. We haven't made an emergency room visit for one week (tomorrow). Oliver came down with a very nasty resp. infection, but we are over the worst and now own a nebulizer (Oliver was our little Darth Vader for a few days with the mask). Oliver started vision therapy and he responded very well, we will now address the issue of getting glasses at our next opth. appt. We see the geneticist this week again, which we are excited (or at least anticipating) about. He will tell us if Oliver could possibly have any other issues/syndromes. That, in a nutshell is how we are doing. I will get some pics up soon. Adina and Oliver are both changing so much!
To those of you who thought I was going crazy in my last post, calm down, I probably was. I do everyday, but doesn't every mom(if you say no I don't believe you!)? I am not perfect that is for sure. Perhaps I also have a strange sense of humor, my way of getting through.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Fantastic, one week! Thank you for the update.