Thursday, January 15, 2009

Post-Op, Problems, and the First "What's Wrong With Him?"

It has been a little over a week now since Oliver's surgery and we have had a lot of problems. Saturday our home health nurse came over, took one look at Oliver, called the doctor and sent us back to the hospital. I knew it was coming, Oliver's site was very infected and he was running a high temp. Got antibiotics (which only make his reflux worse) and came home. Next day, Sunday, Oliver's site started leaking formula profusly. Called GI doctor and it was back to the ER again. That night we were party animals and hung around Children's Hospital until 3AM. He was a little dehydrated so they have to give him fluids, took 4 tries until they finally were able to get the IV started, poor little man. Monday we were back at the clinic to have the tube readjusted. Our new goal in life is to make it one day with no ER, doctors, or calls. We have yet to make it there. We are fortunate however, our family practice doctor, (the doctor who delivered Adina and Oliver, and also noticed something was wrong with Oliver very early) called today to check up on Oliver and us. We really hit the jackpot when we found her as a doctor a few years ago!
The up side is Oliver is sleeping a bit better since we have gotten home. I think it is because he is getting continuous feeds through his feeding tube throughout the night, which sadly also make him throw up more. So I have to try and change him without waking him up. We are getting used to the many nightly beeps of the feeding pump or the many vomit sessions which activates the song in his mobile that also helps calm him.
Now to the questions. While we were in the waiting room at the ER there was a group of parents just chatting about their sick babies, how old they were, what they were doing, and on and on. I now avoid these interactions as often as possible not because I am embarrassed, but it is hard to constantly explain things. One family asked why we were there and I just said a problem with his stomach. Whew, avoided that one. Then another mom asked how old Oliver was. "8 months." .... "Really?? My boy is 7 months." ....Oh crap, here it comes. My stomach drops, "What's wrong with him? He acts so much younger.." ... Simple answer, "he was born without part of his brain so he will develop differently than some, this is Oliver, and he is fantastic!" She just said, "Okay, he is a cute little guy." Did I mention she was also drunk and angry at the nurses? This story has many more pieces.
So, there it is, the first. I thought that would have been really hard, but I think that I appreciate her bluntness (most likely alcohol induced) more than the pity looks. It will always be hard but I think we will develop a tolerance. Some people are just curious and some are just ignorant buttholes(or insert own word). Sorry for my bluntness (NOT alcohol induced, just life induced), I just need to vent sometimes and this, and you, are my source. Good Night, at least until the next beep.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I'm just going to keep praying for you all!
Love Aunt Vicki