Friday, January 9, 2009

Hospital Stay

I know I said I would post while we were at the hospital, but they did not allow that website to be opened from their network so I will fill you in now. Oliver had the surgery Tuesday and it went very quickly and he did great. There was no damage from all of the throwing up he has been doing and that was an added bonus. It was hard to sit and watch all of the parents coming and going, many in tears, the rest were either very nervous looking, parents that go through this often and it is just another surgery, and some that have probably been crying for days and are now lost in the fog of emotions. On the other hand, it was nice to be around parents who were going through something similiar.
The first night post-op was not good at all. We shared a room with another baby, 5 months old. Oliver and this young boy, throughout the entire stay would either have coo-offs, cry-offs, sympathy beep time (taking turns setting off the alarms), or the dreaded beep war (If you beep I will beep too!). We did not sleep the first night at all. The morphine was not working for Oliver and he was totally on sensory over load. The next day we tried feedings, but Oliver could not tolerate them. He had a spike in heart rate and his oxygen saturation level was dropping until finally they had to put a tube down his throat momentarily. Not fun to watch. We made it through. We were at the hospital one day longer than anticipated, which was best for little man. Our new GI doc is great and very experienced with special needs children.
We are home now, and slowly taking the feedings. I have to go and set up our first night tube feeding! Wish us luck! Oliver continues to amaze us, he is so strong. Adina was also relieved to have us home, although she did enjoy the many toys at the Children's hospital.

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